Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Quick Tip: Add 'Find a file' search box to Document Library Web Part

Another Quick Tip:

To add the 'Find a file' search box to a document library web part on a page, simply edit the web part, expand the Miscellaneous section, and select the checkbox to "Display search box". That's it.

If only Microsoft made everything that easy! :)

Have a great day.

Lesson Learned: Three-state workflow feature is the IssueTrackingWorkflow feature

Recently I had an issue in which I could not deploy a new solution to a SharePoint 2016 on-premises site collection due to a dependent feature not being activated: the IssueTrackingWorkflow feature, which has a GUID of "fde5d850-671e-4143-950a-87b473922dc7". After a few hours of research, I discovered that this feature is actually the "Three-state workflow" site collection feature. After activating this feature on the site collection, I was able to successfully deploy the new solution without any issues. Here are few tips:

To see if a site collection feature is activated, here is the PowerShell script:

Add-PSSnapin "Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell"
$featureGuid = "fde5d850-671e-4143-950a-87b473922dc7"
$site = Get-SPSite http://SiteCollectionUrl
$feature = $site.Features[$featureGuid]
if ($feature -eq $null) { "feature not activated" } else { "feature activated" }

To active the site collection feature in PowerShell:

$site = Get-SPSite http://SiteCollectionUrl
$site | Get-SPSite -limit all | ForEach-Object {Enable-SPFeature -Identity "fde5d850-671e-4143-950a-87b473922dc7" -Url $_.Url}
